Existing Leagues:
Couples League: Tuesday Evenings 4:30-6:00pm. Open golf the rest of the day.
Ladies League: Wednesday Evenings 4:00-6:00pm. Open golf the rest of the day.
Men’s League: Thursday Evenings 3:30-6:30pm. Open golf the rest of the day.
Friday: Blind Bogey: Open to the public. Two-person best shot blind bogey. $5 entry fee per person plus green fee. Sign-up in the clubhouse Friday’s between 8:00am-6:30pm to enter. Call 507-847-4036 for more details. Anyone is welcome to play in our blind bogey each week. 100 % Payout for low gross(25%) and the blind bogey draw(75%) winners both. You do not have to play every week if you wish not to, play when you want to. Runs the entire golf season.
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